Get Involved | Translations

Welcome, translators!

One of the greatest things about Endless is that our users and community span the entire globe. It’s important for Endless OS, its applications, and our material to be accessible to our users — wherever they are, and whichever languages they speak.

We need your help translating Endless OS. If you’re interested in translated Endless into a language you speak, we’d love to have you join our translation community. Currently, we have translators working in Romanian, Marathi, Hindi, Indonesian, and Bengali - add your language to the list!

Quick Start Guide:

  1. Join the translators group on the forum, and follow the #community:translations category – this is how we will notify you of deadlines for product translations and general content we need help translating.

  2. Join the Translations channel on Telegram – this is where you can meet others in the translation community and chat with us.

  3. Read the Endless OS Translator Onboarding Guide – If you’d like to help with translating Endless OS the product, please read this guide to get started. It will walk you through requesting access to Transifex, the website we use to do translations.

If you have any questions, post in the #community:get-involved category on this forum so others can learn along with you.