Hi, can you help me install Rules of Survival using this laptop ENDLESS 3.0? Thanks in advance

Please attach the EndlessInstaller log file for any install- and uninstall-related problems.

From version 3.0 on, Endless OS uses Flatpak, a new app distribution system for Linux

endlessinstaller? where can I find that sir?

where can I install the Flatpak?

should I enter my full name and emaill add?

it’s not letting me Click on the “GET ISO TORRENT”

Let me install it… after installing that, what should be my next step to install the Flatpak?

The best way to accomplish your goal is to make Flatpaks of those Windows games that either bundle Wine or use a shared Wine runtime. And while that’s not one of Endless’s own goals, there are people working on it and we will benefit from that work.

@tantan_cabarrubias96 if you are already running Endless OS, you do not need to download an Endless ISO.

I searched for “Rules of Survival Linux” and it seems it’s a Windows-only game. Some people have managed to get it to work on other Linux-based operating systems by installing Wine or PlayOnLinux, but there’s currently no easy way to install either of those on Endless OS, so you probably cannot play this game on Endless OS (without doing significant programming to make Wine work on Endless OS!).

so sad… :frowning: I hope this will be available soon

anyway, I thank you guys for helping me out :slight_smile: