I dont have Administrator access

Hi, I have managed to lock myself out of my administrator account. I know my password so i can log in as a standard user but the options in my user settings are greyed out as they require administrator access. For some reason the password no longer works and i cannot unlock the settings option. What do i need to do to restore my administrator privilages?

In Terminal sudo -s returns mark is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:


  1. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution

I’ve managed to sort it by rolling back to the previous version before it was updated today and re-updating.

Strange. Did you, by any chance, change the password on your administrator account recently?

I ask because there might be a case where if an OS update has been installed but you have not yet rebooted, and then you change your password before rebooting into the new version, that new password would be lost.

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