while installing endless os, i choosed german keyboard layout and set a password.
after restart, i wondered, why my pw was not accepted. after spending some hours in making a bootable usb device and resetting the pw in terminal, i found out, that the german keyboard layout is not yet loaded before the login screen, which is a big mistake iny my opinion and causes many users problems.
so, i recommend to fix this issue and load the set up keyboard layout before the login screen.
@einfach_chris Thank you for reporting this problem. We recently did some work to improve keyboard layout issues with passwords, and I thought we had addressed the situation you describe, but if you were using the latest OS version perhaps it is not correct yet. We’ll try to reproduce the problem with a fresh install of the latest version. One possible concern is that the keyboard layout selected for the login screen is not necessarily the same as for an individual user account (as individual accounts can have different keyboard layouts), but clearly the expected behavior is that whatever layout is selected during first boot setup should be applied to both the login screen and to the initial user account. If that is not working now, we’ll fix it.
@einfach_chris One of our developers (who happens to be a native German speaker) installed a fresh image and tested in German, and was unable to reproduce the problem. During the first boot setup, he selected a German keyboard layout and set a password using characters not available on an English keyboard layout. On rebooting, the layout at the login screen was still German, and he was able to successfully enter the German characters and log in.
Did you recently download the latest version, or was this preinstalled on a computer you purchased? (On purchased computers, the version of Endless is often between 6 months and one year old, in which case you would have had a version before our recent fixes.)
Or, did you change the keyboard layout after logging in? In that case, it would be possible to have the user keyboard layout set differently from that of the login page.
I puchased a new computer where it was preinstalled. Maybe that is the problem you cannot reproduce the error.
thx for help and kind regards,
Hi Christian,
can you check which Endless OS version you are using? It is listed in the details section of the control panel. That would be very helpful. As Roddy said, I tried to reproduce today and used Umlaute to make sure the password has some German characters. The hardware keyboard of the laptop is German, isn’t it?
Thanks, @einfach_chris. Yes, that would explain why you saw a problem that we fixed recently.
Note that if the OS was updated (as it would likely have been within a day of first booting with internet access), the control center will only show you the latest version number. If you run eos-diagnostics
, open the resulting file, and search for “EndlessOS image”, the date and time of the image can be used to identify which version was running on first boot.
I followed your steps and the image was: eosoem-eos3.2-amd64-nexthw.170726-202632.sea
the pw problem was not with an „umlaut“ it was the y, which is on the german keyboard located at the z-place.
kind regards