Openh264 asking flatpak >=1.4.2

Hello to all!

I installed EOS 3.6.3 (190909-103118) yesterday and can’t install Steam, spotify and vlc… All of them keep asking for flatpak version 1.4.2 or superior for openh264 dependency.
Checking with “flatpak --version” on terminal says the actual version is 1.3.3.

Here is the eos-diagnostics

Hope it helps!eos-diagnostic-190919_223511_UTC-0300.txt (908,4 KB)

I Hope It helps

Thanks – this is a known issue which we expect to be resolved with the release of Endless OS 3.7.0, currently due in late October. Update: we plan to make a 3.6.4 release in the next few days. In the meantime you can work around this issue by installing these apps from the command line:

  • flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam
  • flatpak install flathub com.spotify.Client
  • flatpak install flathub org.videolan.VLC

You will see a warning, but the installation of the app itself will succeed.


Thank you very much!

We’re considering making an extra release sooner to fix this issue. Watch this space!

1 Like

Hi there; Do you have a command line for THUNDERBIRD, as its not working on 1.3.3. and its asking for flatpak 1.4.2.
Thank you!

flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.Thunderbird -y && eos-add-to-desktop org.mozilla.Thunderbird

whats the command for games

Install games through the App Center

do you know any auto clickers that i can install on my endless

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