Printer and terminal

OK looks good, but it’s still not working i assume?

Here is the error message.

OK, there seems to be a little more needed - there are additional drivers on the Brother site for this Model.


wget -O - | dpkg --extract - ~/brother2
sudo cp -vrp /sysroot/home/$(whoami)/brother2/opt/* /opt/
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/cups/filter
sudo cp /opt/brother/Printers/MFCL2740DW/cupswrapper/brother_lpdwrapper_MFCL2740DW /usr/local/lib/cups/filter

Now, reboot your device. Then in the printer settings, select the PPD file from /opt/brother/Printers/MFCL2740DW/cupswrapper.

PPD file OK.
Printing dialogue appears but printing does not start.
screenshot below:

Job pending

Can you please open a Terminal and run:

sudo cupsctl --debug-logging

Now, print something (will get stuck, but we get extended logging). Now create a diagnostic and upload it. Let Debug Logging active until we find a solution, may become handy.

eos-diagnostic-210513_121427_UTC 0300.txt (1.3 MB)

Good, the log shows the issue - the driver has a hardcoded path to the filter program which is used to convert the data into a format the printer understands. And this program isn’t in the right location on Endless OS.

Can you please download the attached compressed PPD file, uncompress it and install it for the printer. It’s a modified version which has the correct locations in it.

brother-MFCL2740DW-cups-en.ppd.gz (3.3 KB)

New driver installed. No print. Diagnostics below. Thank you for the support.
eos-diagnostic-210513_132812_UTC 0300.txt (3.8 MB)

Please run:

sudo chown root:root /opt/brother/Printers/MFCL2740DW/cupswrapper/brother_lpdwrapper_MFCL2740DW
sudo chmod 755 /opt/brother/Printers/MFCL2740DW/cupswrapper/brother_lpdwrapper_MFCL2740DW

Then, try printing again.

No print.eos-diagnostic-210513_182915_UTC 0300.txt (3.7 MB)


Sorry pal, i’m running out of ideas on how to get your printer up and running.

Many thanks. Printer is working fine on my old laptop with windows os.
Shall I get a new printer or another laptop? Will a new printer work with endless os?
To be or not to be? Great technological dilemmas of the 21st century.

Most HP printers which support IPP, PCL5/6 and have a network connection work excellent. For example i personally use a HP M401 without any issues since years.

There’s a great list of printers which work OOB over there:

(Check the comments if supported without any proprietary drivers)

Just for your info… In the steps taken above, there is an indication that the printer may support IPP-USB. IPP-USB compatibility was recently introduced to the Linux printing world and is currently being added to the in-development Endless OS 4.

It’s possible that in a few weeks time, we will release a beta version of Endless OS 4 that may work with this printer.

Great news!!!
Looking forward.

Any success?
My Brother printer also doesn’t work while my (now dead) HP worked with no effort from me.
I tried chat gpt to walk me through the installation but was going round in circles.