Endless has a big problem with printers. It’s difficult to find printer which is compatible
with. I looked in one of ours technical supermarket. There are 15 different models and no one
is compatible with Endless. You can see yourself here https://www.technopolis.bg/bg//Kompyutri-i-periferiya/Printeri. Only 2 of them exist on the compatibility tables but aren’t full compatible.
I bought one of them – Brother HL-1112e. It print only empty page.
I read “This printer entry was contributed by a user but was not yet verified or proofread by the site administrators. Therefore it is not included in the Foomatic packages……
Key portions of the driver are proprietary software, only available for the x86/glibc architecture.
Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:
Open the application called ‘Terminal’
In this application run the command:
The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution
s not honest that you erase my massage from yesterday.
I repeat that Endless has a BIG problem with compatibility of printers.
In the site of one of our technical supermarket there are 15 different model of printers.
No one is compatible with Endless.
See yourself in https://www.technopolis.bg/bg//Kompyutri-i-periferiya/Printeri
If you erase this massage one more time, that means that you fear the truth.