Running Endless from USB stick and wifi

I am trying to figure out the best way (for me, of course) to test and run Endless. I put it on a USB stick and when I started with it, I had no access to wifi. If that is the way to usb stick works, then it really does not allow testing Endless, because, after all, if I can’t connect to the internet, I can’t test anything. Any suggestions?


  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command: eos-diagnostics
  3. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution


WHY not simply post an ISO ==== 85% of reports indicate this would facilitate install for all ----Thank you for all your hard work – Ben in El Paso, Texas


Thanks Leandro,

I am sending that file attached. I can connect via cable, but still,
Endless says wifi is unavailable, even though it is working for other


eos-diagnostic-170416_100243_UTC-0700.txt (326 KB)

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@jjroper, the system reports that your wifi is blocked due to a radio kill switch. Please check if there is any wifi disable or “airplane mode” key on or near the keyboard. Also can you post a screenshot of the wifi menu in Endless, and/or explain in more detail exactly what you mean by “no access to wifi”.

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I saw that (in the log file where it says, Apr 16 02:58:28 endless kernel:
iwlwifi 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-7265D-24.ucode
failed with error -2 AND ger[653]: [1492336709.9902] manager: WiFi
now disabled by radio killswitch), but can’t figure out why. In Endless,
there is a wifi switch. On my computer, it simply refuses to be in the on
position. If I click on, it moves and then immediately goes back to off.

I checked the airplane mode and Endless reacts to it correctly - when I hit
the button, Endless shows a symbol for airplane mode. Also, there is no
other user switch for the wifi mode. In windows, the wifi simply works,
while in Endless it doesn’t.

I’m baffled.


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Was your eos-diagnostics log taken from after you tried to click on that slider?

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I don’t think so. I started up with Endless, and immediately saved the log
file. Then I connected using cable and tested things a bit. With the cable
connected, I also clicked on the wifi slider with the same result.

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