Sending diagnostic logs to the forum

There are requests to post an Endless diagnostic log to forums. I have never been real comfortable with that. I avoid Windows as much as possible since it just sucks diagnostic data whether you want to or not. Ubuntu is criticized for collecting diagnostic data.

I think there are problems with posting the diagnostic reports to the forum. The first perhaps is getting data this way insures there is nothing anonymous about data collected. It is posted by the user under his name.The logs seem to be about ~100k in size and they contain a great deal of information about the computer that generated them. That includes the user name, hardware make model uuid specifics on networking and hints on software installed.

It seems to me that Endless users would be better served if Endless were to collect this data differently. Perhaps a more anonymous bug reporting system. Perhaps an Endless team member looking to help with a problem could provide private mechanism to supply the information, without the need for public logs.

In any event I feel this is something that should be opened for some discussion.


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While I agree that logs should be sent to the forums, like you suggest - I would argue that this really is just more likely to entail a

This could be done through ruby and allow for a dropdown menu depending on the program/sys info posted.

Public (yeah okay) or private; would just require a 8 figure alpha-numberic from here with redacted endlessos info.

I do have the perfect solution (web address) for this - although it would cost $300 to buy and $6 a month to maintain.

By all means message me privately should you wish to continue …