Uninstall Endless (I want to change it to Windows 10 PRO)

I just bought a laptop. Asus ROG. As far as I know, this laptop got no OS. But then once i bought it and start it up, it got Endless OS. I’m trying desperately to uninstall the os and trying to install windows 10 pro instead (since i bought this new laptop to play the games that i can’t play on my mac and endless isn’t helping at all).
I’m a noob in IT thingy, so please if anyone ever so kind as to help me, guide me step by step. don’t just tell me to start the boot manager, bla bla bla. i DON’T know how to start a boot manager in endless. I’m blind in this os. I never even heard about this os before I see it few days ago. please… please… PLEASE… anyone… help me…


Hey @alfleria you should visit Microsoft’s FAQ section. They have a question there called “I have a non-Windows device and I’d like to run Windows on it”… that should help you.

About gaming - unfortunately, Endless, like other Linux distros, does not have the video card driver support necessary to be compatible with some games that work well on Windows. However, we plan on supporting Steam in a very soon upcoming release, so we will be enhancing our game support. Through Steam, Endless OS users will be able to access many of the most popular PC games around today.


Thanks for your kind reply…
I already have one laptop that like this. So, i would like to get this one a normal windows os. It’s not like i have anything against Endless. The platform is really clean and nice. but, like i’ve said… i bought this laptop with windows os in mind to play the game that i can’t play using my mac.
keep up the amazing work and if endless could support as many games as windows, i’ll try using it… ^^
once again., thank you…


@alfleria I know what you mean. I actually dual boot Windows and Endless OS myself for some games that I like to play. I have a Mac too, but I honestly prefer Endless OS for my day-to-day stuff out of all three. I guess I’m biased though :slight_smile:

Thanks for the kind words and hope to see you back sometime in the future. Take care!


Yerr, uhmm… i kinda got the same problem? So i got this Asus laptop with the intention to play games, but it’s not working because the applications are limited… So i checked the microsoft faq and it tells me to download a iso file, but that wouldn’t open so I see myself in some kind of paradox. I have a stick with windows 7 on it and I can’t open the startup, it says something like “sorry, you can’t launch that on endless” Sooo… i would like to know what to do, I tried to boot it but it says something like the drive or whatever is not compatible with the harddisk. I have nothing against endless but I reallllyy want to install League of Legends and i need either windows or mac for that.

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Same problem here, downloaded windows 10 from microsoft, copied it on a formated flashdrive, tried to boot the flashdrive, unfortunately it got some kind of error and boots back to endless os. how the hell can I fix this. And I forgot to mention that endless does not allow me to open .exe files, aka install anything, but from their market

From version 3.0 on, Endless OS uses Flatpak, a new app distribution system for Linux

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If you downloaded a Windows 10 installer iso from Microsoft, you need to burn that to a flash drive, not just copy it to the flash drive. You can create a bootable Windows 10 installer flash drive right from within Endless using the included application “Disks”.

From the application “Disks” select the option to “Restore disk image”. You will then select the Windows Installer iso that you downloaded from Microsoft, and restore that disk image to a USB flash drive. The flash drive will be reformatted and the Windows 10 installer will be created on the flash drive.


Same problem here.
I did all the steps on the flash drive (downloading windows 10, burning through the “Disk” application) successfully (as I hope). Did all the boot stuff I’ve researched on the internet for the last 3 days or so.
Well… as far as I’m concerned, I did everything right, following the instructions I have step by step, but then, seems like the system ins’t recognising the flash drive as a bootable device/drive. On the boot menu I select the “USB”, then comes the message: Insert a drive to boot and press any key to continue.
Please, help.
(I’ve ejoyed Endless OS on the most parts, but It’s simple is not for me as long as every program I want to use it doesn’t run, maybe later it will be my dual boot for windows)

I don’t believe you can write the Windows ISO to a USB stick and boot it, actually. (Unlike Endless OS and other Linux distro ISOs which are “hybrid” images.)

Microsoft provides a tool for Windows that writes ISOs to USB sticks. If you have a UEFI system you could also probably just format the USB stick as FAT32 and copy the entire contents of the ISO onto the USB stick.

I have a problem. I bought a laptop on Endless, activated and wanna to take back under warranty. But the store dont take one. I need to roll back the account before it is activated. HEEELP me it is possible ???

A post was split to a new topic: New user questions

в основном поддерживать steam да охотно вам верю убедился на своем опыте. я сегодня купил 3 игры в steam soma batman and amnesia проблема в том что в batman на linux не идет ну это я сам виноват ладно. но игры soma and amnesia у меня персонаж не ходит. стоит стандартно идти вперед w назад s влево a вправо d нажимаю ни чего не происходит!!! пытаюсь изменить в настройках так же на стандартную раскладку w пишет в графе ничего просто ничего но уже вперед идет только на всех буквах. хорошо вы стараетесь. кучу денег на ноутбук потратил щас еще на игры в которые поиграть не могу круто!!!

Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:


  1. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution

I wish we could download and play game from internet


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I also have problem with installation, I don’t even have an option for usb drive boot or dvd boot in my boot options at all.

All youtube videos on this topic suggest that the option to boot from USB just supposed to be there, but it’s not.

Is there any instructions on how to add Boot option there, NOT switch or prioritize, ADD whole option.

I have asus r541n vivobook, and quite honest I’m desperate.

The store I bought it from claimed that “there is no OS” on the device, but apparently there is one that doesn’t allow you to install other OS.
And Windows forum does not help with that issue, as it’s not Windows fault it’s Asus side of the issue.

so what is the solution?

According to Asus you enter into the BIOS settings by holding down the F2 key during power on and holding the F2 key down until the BIOS screen shows up. Once at the BIOS setting screen you should find the relevant section to set the boot priority.

There are some occasions when holding down F2 key during power on will not work and it may be necessary to reset the laptop. An Asus laptop can be reset by first powering off the laptop and once the laptop has shut down press and hold the power button down for at least 15 seconds. After doing the reset the laptop should power on to the BIOS setting screen by holding down the F2 key and holding it down while powering on the laptop.


ravi@ravi-roy:~$ eos-diagnostics
Gjs-Message: JS LOG: Saved to /sysroot/home/ravi/eos-diagnostic-180227_105029_UTC+0530.txt