After successfull installation from USB-Stick my computer doesn’t boot anymore! It says: no boot media found. It seems that no boot loader installed! I changed my boot mode from ahci to ide, but no success after reinstall.
HELP please. I need endless os for a refugee project.
Thank you in advance
Which version of Endless OS did you download/install? You see these types of errors with some computer BIOS/firmware which don’t support GPT partition tables properly and claim (wrongly) that the disk is unbootable. We added a workaround to the reformat/reflash process in 3.0 which actually replaces the GPT partition table with an MBR partition table on BIOS machines, but this step to convert the system didn’t work properly until 3.0.5.
I used the newest version, 3.0.5. Do you know a manually workaround to fix this problem?
Do you know if your computer boots with BIOS or UEFI mode? What make/model is it?
Actually i tried both, UEFI and BIOS. And i tried AHCI and IDE mode, even two different notebook models. No chance, no boot!. Any ideas? Did you check your installer only on old computer models?
No, we’ve tested on both old and new systems, we actually only supported GPT partition tables until very recently when we found, testing on old systems, some firmware that couldn’t boot using BIOS if the disk had a GPT partition table, rather than an MBR partition table with one partition marked as bootable. So we added the code which transforms the GPT partitions to MBR in order to make the system BIOS-bootable (and hence not UEFI) if the installer is booted in BIOS mode.
Now: The way that you boot the USB stick (UEFI vs BIOS) will affect how the installer partitions your disk, so if you change it between installing and running, it could be causing some of the problem. Set the boot mode to UEFI, enable secure boot, disable legacy booting / CSM, if you have an OS option set it to Windows 8 or 10 rather than Windows 7 or earlier, and set the disk to AHCI. Boot the installer USB, then do the installation again and try booting without changing any BIOS settings (unless you need to change the boot order of course).
Dear Rob,
unfortunately nothing works. I really love your idea with endless os but i think in some cases like my case your install mechanism is buggy. So last chance: what do you suggest? I tried to install on a fresh erased harddrive on a HP Elitebook 2560p and a Probook 6560b. Both first with default Bios mode and with the mode you suggested earlier. No success in both cases!
May be its a problem with new HP BIOS?
I don’t know…i will change to ubuntu, when there is no solution next days. Its a real shame.
unhappy Frank
A post was split to a new topic: Dual boot install/booting problem
After installing endlessos boot again with the usb drive and open the " GNOME disks " from " Utility " and select your harddisk where the OS is installed and select settings and make it bootable.
There is an option " Bootable " check it and power off and remove usb and reboot and you have a working OS.
Thanks @smileyyasha - I can’t believe we missed that. Earlier in 3.0.x we actually implemented support in the installer to change our normal (GPT) partition table to a DOS MBR partition table, precisely because some systems won’t boot from HDD unless there is a DOS partition with the bootable. We did all that work… but we forgot to set one as bootable! We’re about to release 3.0.7 but we should be able to sneak this change in. Thanks for helping us improve the OS!