VLC pleer don't run

My VLC pleer don’t run. After double click nothing happens, doesn’t even get open.
I tried like this topic

Upgrade to Endless OS 3.5.9 by App Center

How i can do this? Please, tell me how to do it


  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:

eos-updater-ctl update

Can you please post the output of the following command:

journalctl -f -u eos-updater

while running eos-updater-ctl update on a second Terminal. This will give us the log messages of the updater service to see whats going on.

that’s right


Interesting. Just downloading a 3.4.3 Image to check if i can reproduce the problem. Will keep you informed in this Thread

For some interesting reasons, my 3.4.3 repository configuration is different from yours … when i change my configuration to look like yours, i get exactly the same error.

So, you can try:

  1. Make yourself root with sudo bash
  2. Edit the file /var/lib/flatpak/repo/config and replace the line below in the “eos” repository:


  1. Reboot and run
eos-updater-ctl update

This time, the updater should find the 3.5.9 update and download it (take a look with journalctl in a second terminal if you like to watch the progress)

You need to edit and save the file with root permissions, as your regular user has no permission to do so. Use nano /var/lib/flatpak/repo/config after you made yourself root with step (1)

Yep, i understand this, i tried to do like you said.
My actions:

  1. paste " sudo bash" into Terminal, press Enter, type my password. After that Terminal look like this:
  2. Go to /var/lib/flatpak/repo/config and tried to change the file. App wrote to me what i don’t have permissions for this, like you can see on screenshot in me previously message.
    And yes, i think it’s because i haven’t root permission.
    So question: what i do wrong to make me a root?

Good Morning, your issue is, that processes inherit the permissions of their parent. So, if you make yourself root in a Terminal with sudo bash, only processes started from within this Terminal are granted root permissions.

You made yourself root and started the Editor from the Icon - which are two different contexts.

Use the nano editor within the Terminal to edit the file after you made yourself root, then you can modify the file.

Hi! Thanks for the detailed explanation and your time! I do like you said: modify “config” file, reboot and run

eos-updater-ctl update

that’s what he wrote to me:

OK, the error message in the last line tells us, that the updater thinks that there is no update available. Can you please run the commands from my first post (journalctl -f -u eos-updater in on Terminal, and eos-updater-ctl update in another) and post the output. Now we should see why it doesn’t find the updates.

OK, lets try:

sudo bash
ostree admin set-origin eos https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-amd64  os/eos/amd64/eos3a
eos-updater-ctl download

This time, you should get:

Changed state to Polling
Changed state to UpdateAvailable
======= Properties =======
State: Polling
 CurrentID: '9f280efd9133212df279653067875881ace96dde7e76fa75c94f1cff7a1316b3'
 DownloadSize: int64 924062681
 DownloadedBytes: int64 0
 ErrorCode: uint32 0
 ErrorMessage: ''
 ErrorName: ''
 FullDownloadSize: int64 1433835620
 FullUnpackedSize: int64 3413080197
 OriginalRefspec: 'eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a'
 UnpackedSize: int64 2312855640
 UpdateID: 'bd139ca00437571f92aa35126da9e1cad352dd45e24b8c7b58991b09bee936b3'
 UpdateLabel: '190511-135626'
 UpdateMessage: 'Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.5.8'
 UpdateRefspec: 'eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a'

Changed state to Fetching
Changed state to UpdateReady
======= Properties =======
State: Fetching
 CurrentID: '9f280efd9133212df279653067875881ace96dde7e76fa75c94f1cff7a1316b3'
 DownloadSize: int64 923546564
 DownloadedBytes: int64 923306065
 ErrorCode: uint32 0
 ErrorMessage: ''
 ErrorName: ''
 FullDownloadSize: int64 1433835620
 FullUnpackedSize: int64 3413080197
 OriginalRefspec: 'eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a'
 UnpackedSize: int64 2311489800
 UpdateID: 'bd139ca00437571f92aa35126da9e1cad352dd45e24b8c7b58991b09bee936b3'
 UpdateLabel: '190511-135626'
 UpdateMessage: 'Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.5.8'
 UpdateRefspec: 'eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a'

Changed state to ApplyingUpdate

Thank you, update the system turned out! Only in line

i replace “download” to “update”, like in your previously post.
Uninstall and install again VLC- all working good!
Thank you very much!

You’re welcome, i’m glad that it worked for you!

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