Why can't I install proprietary drivers?

I have an epson l3150 multifunctional, when I put on the pc endless recognizes them the printer but not the scanner, this problem was already foreseen and has a very simple solution which is to install the drives that the manufacturer “epson” provides, I already did that in Ubuntu for example and it worked normally, but in endless I just can’t.
My question is, how can endless OS comply with its excellent accessibility proposal if I cannot install a simple printer?
The endless OS seems to me to be an excellent alternative for ordinary office users. It is simple, intuitive and light, but if it is not possible to install something as simple as a printer driver, unfortunately I will have to choose another OS in my future installations.

Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:


  1. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution

Sorry for the difficulties here. It is an unfortunate situation without a great solution right now.

Our OS is designed quite differently from others. This is one way we have achieved a high level of robustness and simplicity. A side effect though is that we have to maintain the same OS base for all users, which prevents the installation of many kinds of drivers.

Many printers and scanners do work fine on Endless, where the vendor has conformed to usual standards which we provide good support for. I don’t mean to shift the blame, but it is unfortunate that Epson designed their product in a way that doesn’t go with the norms here and instead requires you to install a product-specific driver.

It might seem a bit weird in the PC space but one way you can view this is to consider smartphones like Android. Our OS design has elements in common with a smartphone OS. It is not possible for smartphone accessory vendors to require the end user to install a hardware support driver for their accessory, because (like Endless OS) the smartphone OS design basically does not allow for that. Instead the vendors are required to follow common standards.

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