Flatpak Software - Wishlist

I’m new here, so I’m not sure where to put this. I hope it’s in the right place.
So, it would be great to have openTTD as well in Endless
sorry for multiple posting

Anki is now available on Endless via flathub


I see that there is a problem with internalization, because despite choosing a specific language, the interface is always displayed in English. Where can I report it?

I will more cad software:freecad, librecad, qcad. And software for 3d printing.

I want to add Adobe Flash Player to the flaptak app wishlist.


mysql workbench… It’s urgently needed.

I would like to see scribus ng version available. But instead making a wish-list, Endless team of developers will be appreciated if they can migrate fedora tool converter of rpm to flatpak. example, one user couldn’t find flatpak for an application like scribus or any. A function be available to user (new) to select particular file (any form (iso) extra and tool should easily find all dependencies and make a flatpak file available. Then a copy of this file is automatically upload to https://flathub.org/. In this way flatpak developer dosen’t need to sit day and night to convert all applications to flatpak.

Things dont work so easily, anyway Endless is based on Debian, so the utility should help convert a *.deb package to Flatpak, although I’m pretty sure it would not be possible. Personally I would like to see something like rpm-otree and be able to install packages as image layers, but the best way to follow is to encourage third-party developers to package their software as flatpak (flathub is not the only way to publish apps, many authors prefer to distribute their software on their own websites, such as JASP or Linphone for example)

i tried fedora atomic; installed on acer but it hangs after udev for ip6 looking for identifier network. Tried for 3times and deleted the usb image. I’m not a fan for Opensuse, so i didn’t try the kubic as it said it should be installed as a server. finally all the roads get crossed to endless for OStree system. The reason i like endless is the core system is separate. I did had previous distro problem with dependencies dysfunction when uninstalled.

Today, i am settled with ubuntu 18.04, but still looking back to endless if scribus ver 1.5.3 is available as i do college news magazine publishing.

Fedora Silverblue has worked well for me, although you must remember that it is in active development. The Silverblue forum is very attentive and could have helped you with your problem.

Finally, remember that there is always the possibility of sharing code or paying someone to do it. For example using Bountysource.

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@haevalencia (hugo) there[s] a playlist for the subreddit aswell :>

i seen League of Legends and World of Tanks can be played on Endless OS now, it would be great if you guys will try to do the same with Fortnite, ty.

The best way to accomplish your goal is to make Flatpaks of those Windows games that either bundle Wine or use a shared Wine runtime. And while that’s not one of Endless’s own goals, there are people working on it and we will benefit from that work.

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I also want to see a Deadbeef player in the software center

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I wish to see icq or pidgin in software center.

OcenAudio. Similar to Adobe Audition. I’d like to try https://qtractor.sourceforge.io/qtractor-index.html as it offers multitracking.

Maybe a better updater, ocenaudio, calibre, mysql workbench, pitivi, bootstrap studio installer or some converter to flatpak…

OpenCPN, nautical charting software. There is an Ubuntu/Debian version located here: https://opencpn.org/OpenCPN/info/downloadopencpn.html

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