Hello Everybody! I just installed Endless OS 3.8.7 for my daughter and I’m really happy and exited. However, we’ve been having some issues with the WiFi connection which randomly disconnects every now and then, even remains broken until further restart; sometimes even restarting does not work. I hope you can help me with this issue. TIA!
Hae you verified if you have the most updated BIOS version.
Thanks for your response! Sorry, rookie here, how do I do that? Would you please point me in the direction of a tutorial? I’ll look up for it in the meantime…
The BIOS version(X441UVK.313 02/21/2017
) does seem a bit outdated. I did a quick search and haven’t seen many problems related to its wirless network controller(RTL8821AE 10ec:8821)
We can still go to Asus’ official page to download the Firmware:
And follow their instruction for upgrading the BIOS version: https://www.asus.com/me-en/support/FAQ/1008859
Hello @alexstip, Do you think you can use an ethernet cable to connect your laptop directly with the wireless router? and to watch if this unstable issue still exists?
BIOS updated to latest version. Thank you for that piece of advice! However, it did not solved the problem: at the beginning it was working great, but after a suspension the WiFi could not connect anymore. Actually, I’m realizing that is a usual fact: after suspension it is unable to connect. Sometimes after several reboots WiFi does not appear at all
Hey. A similar case. The system does not see wi-fi =) Endless OS 3.8.7
Hello @Vadim, Welcome to the forum! It would be nice to create a separate post to include the log from your system, so we can look into the details.
Here is the tutorial on how to obtain the system log, I will also suggest reboot the system first, and reconnect the wifi, once it starts failing, you can begin to collect the log, https://support.endlessos.org/troubleshooting/collect-logs
Once the log generated you may want to reboot/reconnect-wifi again to get the Internet so you can upload the log file.
Paragraf #2 *It will opens a dialog, pleae type in: eos-dianostics` and hit enter . Typo in a word diagnostics =)
eos-diagnostic-201104_084845_UTC 0200.txt (1.4 МБ)
Network is not displayed in the list of connections.
Vadim, I had exactly this problem on my wi-fi network. I needed to change a setting inside the tplink rooter to resolve this problem. I needed to put in auto the setting for the frequency and the Channel Utilization of the network. But, if you don’t know how to fix it, call for a technician friend, ok? Good luck e don’t give-up! Tell us what is happening, ok?
Alex, the same thing that wrote for Vadim, I write for you my friend. You need to see a setting inside the router. It is the parameters of Channel Utilization and frequency of the network. Isn’t a problem of Linux. But, if another friend can help us with another tip, I appreciate Don’t give up my friend
tell us what is happen with your machine and network, ok? See you…
Thanks for these pointers Fernando_Monteiro! There are many possible combinations of wi-fi problems. If the wireless signals are crowded at your place, frequency and channel settings are something worth looking into.
Huge gratitude, Fernando_Monteiro!
My Friend is not this world =)
I have not changed the settings.
The day after posting on the forum router network
appeared on the list of connection.
Separate gratitude to everyone for help and did not remain indifferent.
The situation repeated itself on Saturday. Network is not displayed in the list of connections.
I replaced the auto-configured router from the ISP and it didn’t help. I connected the old router with the same settings and did not get access to the Internet. But after a while, the Internet connection was restored by itself. =)
factory setting of the router from the Internet provider =)
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