I would recommend you to completely remove any obsolete connections.
Open a terminal and write:
nmcli con
This will show all currently NetworkManager registered connections, something like
Lobby 0f91bb0d-e2be-4f8a-a00e-457c8bdaf9a9 802-11-wireless never
TTH-Zentral 2d3ddca9-772f-47d9-99a1-1559640b0f25 802-11-wireless never
attwifi 6be3c5aa-fc85-415c-96e4-5583b25c23bb 802-11-wireless never
uni-koblenz 8a0d1d51-672c-4ded-ad92-18e27b8215df 802-11-wireless
Then use:
nmcli con delete uuid 0f91bb0d-e2be-4f8a-a00e-457c8bdaf9a9
to delete obsolete entries. replace the uuid with the correct one, then reboot.
The Intel Wireless-AC 3168NGW WiFi card in your system seems to be recognized and is also supported by this version of EOS. I additionally would recommend you to upgrade to the latest version available as soon as possible.
After the reboot, you should be able to connect using the Intel card. Make sure that it’s enabled by entering:
nmcli r wifi on
Then scan for networks:
nmcli d wifi list
Then connect:
nmcli d wifi connect MYSSID password MYPASSWORD