
Bug reports This forum is used to gather and track public bug reports. When creating a new topic in this subcategory you will be given a template to fill out with information about your hardware, locale and release version. Fill in this template as best you can, the more details you can provide the easier it will be for our developers to track down and fix the bug.
Topic Replies Activity
About the Development category 2 14 April 2019
I hear Alexa Echo Dot in laptop's speakers 2 8 September 2024
Starting system by USB-Stick with latest Endless OS 6.0 always results in shim verification error 5 6 September 2024
Increase default vm.max_map_count value 2 4 September 2024
Will a image from endless-image-builder continue to update? 4 4 June 2024
Python3-tk inclusion in base image 2 7 November 2023
Issue with Flathub Appstream (Bug #5434 @ Flatpak Github) 2 7 November 2023
Steam won't open on Endless OS 5 8 15 February 2023
Titlebar font color in EOS 5.0 Master 5 12 December 2022
Shutdown/restart (beta version OS) 2 11 March 2022
Touchpad & Bluetooth mouse stopped working [solved] 8 15 February 2022
Apps that have flatpaks 9 21 October 2021
Xterm shows in 3.10 27 20 September 2021
Update NVIDIA driver to 470.xx.xx on Endless OS 4.0 4 20 September 2021
Vulkan drive support Nvidia update 2 21 August 2021
Running Wayland on EOS4 3 6 July 2021
Endless OS Image Builder 3 25 May 2021
Discussion: Ship with ashmem_linux and binder_linux Kernel modules 9 12 May 2021
Sos report for collecting troubleshooting information? 6 7 May 2021
Eos-updater no longer works 3 20 April 2021
Discussion: Plugins for more VPN providers 6 15 April 2021
Add support to libratbag 3 15 April 2021
Add support to OpenRazer 3 15 April 2021
Extension does not work with Wayland session anymore 4 15 April 2021
Packages missing in Development version 4 8 April 2021
Logrotate.timer does not start 7 2 April 2021
Endless OS development version available 3 2 April 2021
Podman 1.5.1 containers do not start on Podman 3.0.0 3 30 March 2021
Endless OS 3.8.0~beta2: toolbox: failed to start container fedora-toolbox-33 2 14 November 2020
Wifi not working after updating to 3.8.4 10 27 August 2020